When discussing the Port of Seattle, it's common for writers
to focus on issues pertaining to the seaport terminals themselves and issues
that surround them, such as increasing traffic and gentrification. It's
natural, according to Port Commissioner John Creighton, as traffic flow is
often the most visible issue that impacts the port, and it's also the thing
that has the deepest impact on the average commuter. After all, when port
traffic is backed up, commute times can often suffer due to traffic congestion
moving into and out of the port. But, there are other aspects of the business
model that also bear mention, and warehousing is just one of those important
topics the port needs to consider.
In a perfect world, a shipper would send an item and a buyer
would take that item right away. It would be a bit like a trade, with one
company taking an item from the waiting arms of another. However, most
companies simply don't function like this. They ship items early, ensuring that
they'll be available when the other party wants to make a pickup, or the buying
party experiences delays and needs to push back the date of product transfer.
It's an imprecise science, and as a result, most companies need to use
That said, in the Information Age warehousing has become a
science, particularly with management concepts such as just-in-time delivery
being in vogue. The Green River Valley
is home to the second largest warehousing district on the west coast, and
ensuring that local governments pursue policies that keep warehousing
businesses competitive means that more companies can use the port, says John
Creighton Port of Seattle. They'll know they have the storage
capacity, should they need it, and they know they can make pickups easily.
Warehousing also means good jobs for local residents, as someone will need to
be available to log those items as they move both in and out. It could be an
excellent driver for the economy, and a vital part of the jobs the port plans
to add as part of its Century Agenda.
Commissioner Creighton says more research should be done
regarding how policymakers can ensure warehousing and logistics companies
thrive locally, and he stresses that this will be a vital part of a successful
roadmap for the port.
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