Monday, 1 October 2012

John Creighton: Seattle Can Have the Greenest Port in North America

In 2011, due to the hard work Port Commissioner John Creighton and his colleagues had performed, the Seattle Port was provided with the Environmental Achievement Award from the Pacific Northwest International Section of the Air and Waste Management Association. This award recognized the Port's progress in implementing a variety of clean air and water standards, helping to ensure that the environment around the Port remained as clean and safe as it could possibly be. While this award was gratifying, for John Creighton, the Port has the capacity to do more. In fact, he believes the Port of Seattle can lead the way in showing how a port can be both sustainable and profitable. 
In the Port of Seattle Century Agenda, a list of goals the Port is attempting to accomplish within the next several years, Port Commissioner John Creighton and his colleagues suggest that the Port could reduce air pollutant emissions by 50 percent from 2005 levels, and that carbon emissions could also be reduced by 50 percent from 2005 levels. The Port also hopes to enhance 40 additional acres of habitat around the Port. These are ambitious goals, considering that the Port is already well within compliance levels for pollution set by the United States EPA. However, the commissioners believe that protecting the environment is vitally important, and that published standards may not go far enough to ensure the future well being of the air we breathe and the water we drink. By putting forward an ambitious goal, Port Commissioner John Creighton and his colleagues hope to ensure that the environment will be available for their children and grandchildren to enjoy.
Port Commissioner John Creighton is running for reelection in 2013, and he hopes he'll be allowed to continue his groundbreaking work on environmental protections and controls. He believes it's the best path forward for Seattle, and he'd like to be part of the team that makes this belief a reality. 

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